-seagull's cove-

a place where the gulls sleep!

quote of the week: "[redacted} a.k.a seagull is the best and we all love her"

guten morgen! welcome to this hellsite! here, i shall archive the ramblings, shitty art and webcomic(s) of a socially stunted, mentally ill girl!

will anyone actually visit this site and read it?! no. will i undoubtedly abandon it in a week in favour of rotting my brain on tiktok?! probably, yes. but!! for now, this site is the future! to be real, this is mainly so i have a place to archive my shit and so i can look at it and think "wow, [redacted], i'm seriously proud of you for actually doing something for once!" now, bear witness to this site borne of a genius!

so what actually is this?

-current projects-

  • evening star
  • t.i.a.t.o
  • seagull's whenever-i-can-be-bothered patch notes
  • some art possibly
  • maybe more stuff please leave me alone i'm a procrastinator

looks cool, right? i'll update when i can be arsed, which won't be frequent. sorry!

side note: evening star and t.i.a.t.o are both gonna be hefty webcomics, and i'll only upload finished chapters. good thing no one is invested in them, 'cos new chapters will take a while to make.